2016-12-13 15:34 來源:科尼
Konecranes is now launching Power Drive for lift trucks, a driveline technology that delivers up to 25% in fuel savings – without impacting on the power of the machine.新系統專為客戶而設計,確保在維持優越動力性能的同時,進一步提高節油率,降低機器的環境影響。除了具有鎖定功能的變速箱外,科尼在系統設計時添加了全新的液壓系統配置,優化了額定轉速,在保持動力和性能不受影響的同時,有效降低油耗。全新增效傳動系統提供的動力與傳統的傳動系統一樣強勁,但耗油量減少15-25%(視操作環境而定),同時降低噪音污染。
The new system is designed to further enhance fuel savings with remained performance for customers, offering also a lighter environmental footprint for their machines. By adding a new hydraulic system configuration and optimizing the rpm in addition to a transmission with lock-up function, Konecranes has designed a system to cut the fuel consumption whilst the power and performance is unaffected. The remarkable new Power Drive delivers the same power as a conventional driveline, but with 15 - to 25% less fuel usage, depending on operating environment, and with lower noise pollution.
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Smarter Where It Matters
For Konecranes, fuel saving technologies, without compromising on the performance, has always been a focus by heart. In 2013 we launched the world’s first Hybrid Reach stacker, which reduces fuel consumption by between 30 and 50% and reduced CO2 emissions by an impressive 20 kg per running hour.
現在,客戶可以選擇在訂購的新機器中裝入增效傳動系統。科尼叉車業務部門市場銷售總監Andreas Falk表示:“據我們估計,充分利用這一全新功能的客戶將會在使用增效傳動系統后大約6個月內節省燃油成本。”
Customers now have the option to place a Power Drive system in the new machine they order, and, as Andreas Falk Sales and Marketing Director of Konecranes Business Unit Lift Trucks points out, “Customers who take advantage of this new feature will find that savings in fuel costs will according to our estimates have paid for the Power Drive in about 6 months or less.”