


2016-11-30 11:18  來源:科尼


Konecranes hosted the third industrial hackathon on November 26-27, 2016 in Helsinki, Finland. This time, the challenges focused on automated cargo handling where containers move from vessel to yard and from yard to truck via machine-to-machine communication.

A total of seven teams were selected to join the Konecranes challenge at Maritime Hack and the winning team, Team Nortel, received 7 000 € plus tickets to Slush. Congratulations to the winners and big thanks to all participants for making the weekend a success!

About Konecranes

科尼是世界領先的起重機專業制造商(Lifting Businesses?),所服務的客戶范圍廣大,包括制造業和流程工業、造船廠、港口和碼頭。科尼公司提供能夠增強生產能力的起重解決方案,以及對所有品牌起重設備和機床的維修保養服務。2015年,集團的銷售額總計為21.26億歐元。集團在48個國家開設了600個分支機構,員工達11100人。科尼已在赫爾辛基的納斯達克OMX證券交易所上市。(股票代碼:KCR1V)
Konecranes is a world-leading group of Lifting Businesses?, serving a broad range of customers, including manufacturing and process industries, shipyards, ports and terminals. Konecranes provides productivity-enhancing lifting solutions as well as services for lifting equipment and machine tools of all makes. In 2015, Group sales totaled EUR 2,126 million. The Group has 11,100 employees at 600 locations in 48 countries. Konecranes is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki (symbol: KCR1V).

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